Tuesday, April 30, 2013

End of April...

Can't believe that we are starting May tomorrow!
Here is January, February, and March

1) What I was reading:
Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

2) Top three songs I was drawn to:
Don't really have three songs, but Blake Shelton, Bebo Norman and Carrie Underwood are playing on Spotify

3) Movies I saw:
Zero Dark Thirty, Oblivion, and This is 40

4) Favorite TV moments of the month:
Grey's Anatomy

5) Something I made:
Do birthday invitations count? And breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

6) Restaurants where I ate:
Chick-fil-A, McAllisters, G&D Pizzeria and Buffalo Wild Wings

7) Something I am thankful for:
 The boys are healthy and my leg wasn't broken!

8) A goal I had for this month:
To get birthdays planned and summer plans made! (Florida/Disney and Indy)

9) I started the month looking forward to:
Grant's Farm and Magic House and Cardinal Game and the Color Run...had a ton of fun!

10) A disappointment this month:
Boston Marathon bombings

11)Something that really made me smile:
Alex's fake laugh and Evan doing a fantastic job with his manners and always (or almost always) wanting to help Alex.

12) Something I really want to remember about this month: 
 Good times with friends and family at the Magic House/Grant's Farm and the Cardinal Game/Color Run.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hello, Monday

Hello, Monday and Happy Earth Day!

Hello to recovering from a busy weekend!

Hello to friends visiting

Hello to a cold, morning at Grant's Farm

Hello to friends

Hello to camel rides

Hello to my three loves...

Hello to Evan realizing that wishes might not come true and magically appear. Was sad when he realized a yellow Batman wasn't just going to appear :)

Hello to having fun at the Magic House

Hello to fun times

Hello to my mom leaving to St. Martins with her sisters and mom for a week long vacation...

 Hello to the Butterfly House

 Hello to these two cuties!

Hello to not liking the "jeep" ride at Chuck E Cheese

Hello to sisters and a carousel ride

Hello to pa-paw!

Hello to a special 5 year old!

Hello to lifelong friends!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Thought these would be fun to look back on! :)
Happy Thursday and so glad the weekend is almost here!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday thoughts...

It's been a rainy day today...kind of like my mood. Tired, dreary....

So sad for those hurt and killed in Boston.
So sad for everyone feeling heartbroken about what happened.
So sad for those that worked so hard to cross that finish line and it didn't happen for a lot of runners.
So sad....

But out of all the bad...there was a lot of good too...
A lot of people helping others...
Carrying people, letting others use their phones to help find loved ones, offering places to stay, holding hands, praying...

I'm praying for everyone...
Hugging my boys extra tight tonight...

Sunday, April 14, 2013


A week and a half ago, I was playing soccer and got hit in the leg. Thinking it was just a bruised leg or knee, a week later it was still hurting. I went to the doctor 5 days later and found out after an Xray and MRI, that I actually broke my tibia and strained my LCL. I can't believe it. I go to the orthopedic doctor on Monday to find out what they are going to do. I'm not sure if they are going to cast it or what...I'm hoping this heals quick!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Young Living Essential Oils

So...I recently started using these Essential Oils through Young Living. My blog friends, Lindsay and Michelle have me hooked! They are amazing and have helped out our family in these last few weeks!

-These oils really work.  Really! Young Living Oils are 100% organically grown in the most optimal conditions, they are then harvested at the most precise time and are distilled under the most rigorous of guidelines.  All of this makes Young Living EO's the most potent and safe oils on the market.  
Read this article  for more information.
Back to the HOW these oils work.  You can use these oils 3 different ways: ingest them, apply topically or diffuse.  Even people with the worst allergies will tolerate these oils and surprisingly find extreme relief just by using these therapeutic grade oils.  They have taken away my headaches and gotten rid of my seasonal allergies and sinus pressure by just rubbing them on my temples, forehead, cheeks and the bridge of my nose.  No lie!

We also use these oils throughout the day, afternoon and evening.
In the morning I use Lemon and Peppermint. Before Evan goes to school, I put Peace and Calming on him.
At night, before bed, I put Peace and Calming and also Lavender on the boys feet. They even ask for them now! Not kidding. Alex will go into the bathroom and point to his feet and Evan loves having the oils on to help with bedtime and winding down. I played soccer recently and had a few sore muscles and used Panaway to help. I put Thieves on the boys and myself (being a teacher) every day to keep from getting sick. These are amazing and really work!

-The business opportunity.  Once you talk about these oils and their uses and benefits, people will be banging on your door for more information.  Now that's a business opportunity I want in on.  They literally sell themselves.  And believe me, once you see for yourself how amazing this product is, you WILL want to shout to the world about them. 

-The Young Living community, and to be more exact, the Lemon Droppers community on FB.  I am surrounded by intelligent, passionate and knowledgeable people who will answer any questions at the drop of a hat.  It's incredible.  

Now, I'm not here to sign you up to sell this stuff.  I know I never intended too, but if you want the oils, this is the way to go.  You are in no way obligated to sell anything, but you get the benefit of the distributors pricing.  No brainer if you ask me.  

This is a fantastic kit to start with, you WILL use every oil in this set, I guarantee it.  Visit the Granola Convert to see the deets, when you are ready to sign up just follow the links and when it asks for your sponsor insert my member 1423528 .  I'm here to answer any questions.  Once you order, it should arrive in about 5 days.  The wait will seem like it takes forever, but it's worth the wait.  

Now what are you waiting for?  Check it out!

To sign up click here and let me know if you have questions. This link will walk you through how to sign up and get your products at a discount.
 My member number is 1423528.

Here are a few more link that will be helpful! :)




Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tons of Trucks

I am in such amazement at how young our boys look from the previous years of attending Tons of Trucks. Seriously! They are so little!!!!!!!!! Click on the links below to see previous years.
We love this event...a great way to see all of the different trucks and cars and this year they even had a helicopter. So fun!!

Here is

So little. :)

This year was windy and chilly so we didn't stay too long! :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

End of March

A recap of our March
Can't believe April is already here!!!
Here's January and February

1) What I was reading: The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult

2) Top three songs I was drawn to: Les Miserables soundtrack

3) Movies I saw: Argo, Silver Linings Playbook

4) Favorite TV moments of the month: Grey's and Biggest Loser finale

5) Something I made: My dad's 60th birthday book and a collection of memories from family/friends

6) Restaurants where I ate: McAllisters, El Maguey

7) Something I am thankful for: That summer is almost here!

8) A goal I had for this month: To clean and organize closets and purge clothes...done!

9) I started the month looking forward to: warmer weather

10) A disappointment this month: not winning the lottery ;)

11)Something that really made me smile: lots of things...a day at the Zoo and park, go-karting and hiding Easter eggs for the boys

12) Something I really want to remember about this month: spring break