Thursday, April 24, 2008

Last night....

Once a month a bunch of girls get together to play Bunco. Have you heard of it? I had never heard of this dice game until about a year ago. We play once a month and our group of girls have been getting bigger and bigger. Last night there were almost 20 gals there. We each bring a dish to eat and we pitch in $5. Last night the pot was over $100 and there are different ways to win money. Last night I almost won $25 dollars. :) I had the last bunco (3 sixes on each of the die) so that got me $5. Then, there was a 4 way tie for even-steven (I had 9 wins and 9 losses) so since there were 3 others we had a roll-off. I rolled a 5 and my friend Lisa rolled a 6, so she won! It is a great time to be able to get together and hang out, meet some new people and catch up with old ones. :) What do you do to keep in touch with friends and get together? Do you see me in my new glasses? What do ya think?!

1 comment:

  1. Your new glasses are super cute!!

    I've been playing bunco for awhile now... once a month... there's 16 of us, we each picked a month to host for 16 months and the host makes all the food. We pitch in $5 too. It's a really good time!
