Thursday, April 24, 2008

I feel like....

Some days I feel as though I can never get caught up and I'm is kindof one of those days. Yesterday was definitely one of those days. I seriously just need to take a break and I'm hoping this will be one of those weekends to take a step back, relax, and not have to stress. Yesterday I had many things going on during the school day including 2 doctor appts. and issues with students and parents. I don't know what I would do without my student teacher at this point. I would seriously be even more stressed. I went back to the doctor yesterday and apparently I still have a cyst and I am still spotting so it will probably be too late this month to do the artificial insemination. :( I have NO idea why I am still spotting since I have never spotted. I went to the chiropractor and that is getting a little better, but I'm still having issues with the back and lower legs. I feel as though I have too much on my plate but can't take anything away....We have a big 5th grade sock hop party tomorrow night and I can't wait. It is going to be fun and exciting. I can't wait to post pics. Reasons that I am thankful today is that I get to spend time with Jack and my hubby, the weather is amazing and Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, and Lost are all on tonight. I am hoping that things start to settle down...soon! Happy Thursday!


  1. I hope this weekend gives you the rest that you need. =)

  2. I hope you have a good relaxing weekend Kasey! Love ya!
