Thursday, April 6, 2017

What we've been up to lately....

 Whew....March just flew by.
We've been loving on our sweet Jack. He has a huge growth on his liver and is now having a hard time getting up and putting weight on his back legs. We are going to enjoy the time we have left with him. He is SUCH a good dog. We are going to miss him terribly.

We close on our current house in less than 2 weeks. We've been purging and playing and packing. Not fun for mom and dad but fun for the boys. 

We had math night at school and Alex enjoyed playing math games and beating mom! ha!

Celebrated St. Patrick's day by taking Evan out to lunch and spending some good quality time together.

Celebrated Pa-paw's birthday and had fun in St. Louis!

Love my brother and sister!!

Went to Denver and my friend Kelly and I gave our Unconvention Online talk about building trust and sending happy mail and the power of the handwritten note. SO fun to be able to hang out with friends and their families and enjoy a few days of the gorgeous Colorado weather!

And welcome April!! Looking forward to some warmer weather!!!

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