Monday, December 31, 2012

goals from 2012 and new ones...

On January 4th, I posted the goals I had for 2012.

To see them click here.

It is safe to say that I completed all 3 of them!


The first one was a photo a see 2012 click here...

My second goal was to complete Project Life. I'm SO thankful that I did this. I love that I can go through the album and see silly things the boys did or said and the big and small things that were a part of our year.
I'm excited to start 2013 too. I'm going to use the Cobalt edition (thanks, Mom for getting this for me for Christmas!).

My third goal was to complete/run a 5K. I didn't run the entire thing, but I did complete 2 this year.
The Color Run was amazing and I did run most of it :)
The 2nd one was the Columbia Race for the Cure.

My 2013 goals will be...

1. Another photo a day blog :)

2. Working out/walking consistently 5 days a week and running a 5K this year (the whole thing!)

3. Getting better control of my allergies and working on a monthly food menu for our family

Hope you have a great 2013!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

10 years 12.28.12

So thankful that we said "I do" 10 years ago...

Happy Anniversary to us!

We headed out to dinner at Red Lobster and then to see Les Miserables....
Thanks Mom and Dad for watching the boys for us!

We even got some snow on our anniversary :)

Christmas with family and friends...

Trying to get caught up! :)

Here are a few pictures from the Merritt and Laughlin Christmas get togethers!

The 1st Laughlin Christmas

Met up with Daniel and Amanda, the kids, and Lynne and Harold in St. Louis on Saturday for Christmas. We opened presents then headed to City Museum for the day! It was so fun!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December Date 12 of 12!!

Evan is having rest time and playing with his new toys, Alex is napping, and Mike went up to work real quick, so I have a few minutes to actually sit down and write something! :)

Last Thursday we went on our final 12/12 monthly dates.
We headed to the St. Louis Symphony to hear the musicians of a Gospel Christmas and also the group, Take 6. The music was beautiful... One of Mike's coworker's,Joe, was actually the drummer in the symphony, so we got to see him and we sat by his wife and our friend, Justine.

It was a cold, windy night, but we had a great time and it was beautiful music, especially right before the Christmas season! Here are a few pictures and videos from our date.

This is a The Prayer, that they dedicated to the families and community of Newtown, CT following the tragedies. (It's 5 minutes, but so worth it to listen to)

And here is Take 6 singing The Grinch. Love it! :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

From our family to yours...Merry Christmas!

Our annual Christmas Eve family party! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Preschool Christmas program

Evan had his preschool Christmas program last week. The residents of the assisted living all get together for a holiday party with food and the students from the preschool come up and sing a few songs. Last year Evan wasn't a fan at all and sat on my lap during the performance...this year was more of the same, but at least he did go up there ;)

This picture cracks me up :) Love that kid!

Then he went over to the side, but was still doing the motions to the song 

Love their school and what these teachers do for the students and for the residents of the nursing home. Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello Monday...

Hello to heavy hearts today all over the world...

Hello to moms and dads sending their kids to school this morning...

Hello to teachers and counselors and administration who might have to have some hard conversations with their students...

Hello to prayers...lots of them for the families and community of heart breaks for you...

Hello to hugging and holding your little ones a little tighter...

Hello to remembering those heroes...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Magic Tree

One of our Christmas traditions is going to see the Columbia Magic Tree. I love this tree! It's amazing to see all of the lights strung around the tree and branches...and I love seeing Evan and Alex's faces light up! It truly is spectacular.