Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Highlights

Highlights of 2009...what a great year it has been...
  • What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Gave birth to our son, Evan Samuel and quit my job to be a stay at home mom
  • Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My 2009 resolution was to hang out with our little family as much as I can and get caught up on my scrapbooks. I'm still behind on scrapbooks, but so glad I was able to not work and stay at home and hang out with Mike and Evan and enjoy being a family of three!
  • Did anyone you know give birth? Um...yep!!!
  1. My college soccer roomie, Tracy had baby boy, Mason, January 3rd
  2. My friend Kim had twin boys, Reese and Otto January 5th
  3. My Bunco friend Kelly had a baby girl, Lila, January 6th
  4. My friend Heather S. had a baby girl, Daphne on January 17th
  5. My cousin Lyndsay had a baby boy, Kingston on January 17th
  6. My college soccer roomie Heather had a baby boy, Jaden, January 23rd
  7. Cassi and Caleb had a baby boy, Carter on February 17th
  8. My friend Abby had their baby girl, Haley on February 18th
  9. Mike's cousin, Brian and his girlfriend, Sheila, had a baby girl, Alexia, born on Feb. 28th.
  10. My soccer friend, Krista had twins, Avery and Ian born on March 9th
  11. My soccer friend, Barrett had a baby boy, Aiden, born on March 16th
  12. My blog friend, Laura, had their baby boy Charlie on April 29th
  13. My cousin, Melissa, had her baby girl, Brooke, on May 9th
  14. My friend Jodi had a baby girl, Alexia, on May 19th
  15. My soccer friend, Wendee had her baby boy, Radek, on May 20th
  16. We had Evan Samuel on May 27th, 2:02 pm, 8 lbs 2 oz, 21.5 inches long. We are blessed!
  17. Jenn, fellow blogger, had baby Joel on May 31st
  18. My high school friend and fellow blogger, Gabrielle had baby Deeter on June 3rd
  19. My friend, Jamee, had a baby girl, Camryn, on June 30th
  20. My soccer friends, Kristin and Jess, had their baby boy, Keenan, on July 1st
  21. My college soccer roomie Annie, had a baby girl, Eva, on July 7th
  22. Ashley and Matt had a baby boy, Merrick, on July 7th
  23. Erin and Mike had a baby boy, Kye, on July 8th
  24. Liz and Tom had baby Ethan on July 19th
  25. My cousin Kim had their second son, baby Blake, on August 1st
  26. LeeAnn had their second son, Brady on August 9th
  27. Leslie had their second daughter, Ruby on August 20th
  28. Kim had their first daughter, Vivian, on September 30th
  29. Blog friend, Maria, had her first son, Anderson, on October 16th
  30. My soccer friend, Susan, had their first son, Andrew, on November 9th
  • Did anyone close to you die? Kix....
  • What countries did you visit?
None this year........we were supposed to go to Mexico for spring break, but that didn't work out with the baby coming! We did go to Florida for a fall vacation. :)
  • What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
I don't think I lacked anything in 2009 that I'd like to have in 2010.
  • What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
There are a few dates that I will never forget!
  1. January 7th: The day we found out we were having a son!
  2. April 7th: Mike became a detective...I am SO very proud of him!
  3. May 27th Evan's birthday
  4. Nov. 11th: Evan first slept through the night! :)
  • What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Evan growing, learning, playing, smiling, laughing and being a family of 3 (4 if you count Jack!)
  • Did you suffer illness or injury?
Besides morning sickness, nope!...scratch that...I broke a bone in my foot!
  • What was the best thing you bought?
Probably things for Evan... nothing is sticking out though...
  • Whose behavior made you appalled or depressed?
The government and Tiger Woods
  • Where did most of your money go?
Evan :)
  • What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Our first family vacation to Florida and Evan's first Christmas!
  • What song will always remind you of 2009?
You are the Sunshine of my Life and What a Wonderful World
  • Compared to this time last year, are you:
  • a) happier or sadder? Happier b) fatter or thinner? Thinner c) richer or poorer? Richer in more ways than one!
  • How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve was with my family, Christmas Day was with Mike and Evan and the day after Christmas was with Mike's side of the family
  • Did you fall in love in 2009?
Definitely fell in love watching my husband become a father and with our adorable son each day!
  • What was your favorite TV program?
Biggest Loser, LOST, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, and Project Runway
  • Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
  • What was the best book you read?
Ahhh...WAY TOO MANY! Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby, and I love Karen Kingsbury, Jodi Picoult, Twilight Series, and any baby book :)
  • What was your greatest musical discovery?
Me singing songs...even though I can't sing a note, Evan doesn't mind! Also, the Laugh and Learn Musical Table that Evan got from Santa
  • What did you want and get?
A son or a daughter and we are SO blessed with our son! I also got to stay home!
  • What did you want and not get?
A new car for Mike...
  • What was your favorite film of this year?
Harry Potter, New Moon, The Proposal, and The Blind Side (couldn't pick just one!)
  • What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
On my 30th birthday this year, I spent the day with my wonderful husband waiting for the arrival of Evan. Mike and I went to lunch for my birthday at TGI Fridays and after he got off work we met some of our friends for a night out. Mike and I went to see Ghosts of Girlfriend Past and Wolverine that Friday too. I'm an extremely lucky girl...had a great 30th birthday and then 6 days later, Evan was here! That was the best gift!
  • What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? was a fantastic year!
  • How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
While Evan was cookin' definitely comfy, jeans and a sweater or sweatshirt. Nothing too fancy because I don't want spit up all over it!
  • What kept you sane?
Talking to Mike, Kelli, my mom, Heather, and Amanda
  • What political issue stirred you the most?
The whole economy mess...ugh.
  • Who did you miss?
My friends and family who don't live close by...
  • Who was the best new person you met?
Laura...we have WAY too much in common to not be friends! Our birthdays, anniversaries, birth of our sons are way too similar! I'm so glad to have "met" her through blogland. Laura and her hubby Ken, son Charlie and "big sister", Charmer, are way too cute!
  • Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
The best things come to those who wait...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Laughlin Family Christmas

Evan was excited to have his cousins in town! We celebrated the Laughlin Christmas on Saturday and had fun watching the kids open gifts, doing our White Elephant gift exchange, and taking goofy pictures! We have had a busy and exciting week while they are in town. We went to church, lunch, Mizzou basketball game, Bonkers, the Arc, the Morrisons came into town, went sledding, played, etc. It was such a great time to see family and enjoy being together! Evan and Aunt Amanda Madison lost her other front tooth in the car ride to Missouri. Her and Mallory were playing and tickling each other and Mal knocked it out! So....all she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth! ha! :) We were Zhu Zhu crazy!!! Evan was a little Zhu Zhu overwhelmed! :) Evan with his new laugh and learn farm Family picture ha ha....then and now picture :) We had such a great day and are so thankful for the Indy Laughlins to drive down and spend time with family!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy 7th Anniversary!

Loved you then... Love you even more now... Thank you for being a wonderful husband and father! Happy 7th Anniversary!!! I love you!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

7 months

Happy 7 month birthday Evan Samuel

Merritt Family Christmas

We had such a great Christmas with the Merritt family! We celebrated Christmas Eve morning with my parents, brother, sister and my grandma...and as you can see Evan was excited too! :) We opened presents, ate, and played! Evan loved the boxes and wrapping paper the most :) Love this pic of my brother and Evan laughing... Family picture Evan got a new walker car which he loved! Daddy pulled Evan in his new sled from Uncle Brad...we can't wait to use it in the snow :) Grandpa liked Evan's new car too!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Evan's 1st Christmas

We spent a great first Christmas at home and Evan had such a great time eating and chewing his toys that Grandma and Grandpa gave him and the ones that Santa brought! :) Trying to figure out why Jack had a jingle bell around his neck... Evan's first white Christmas!!! Merry 1st Christmas Evan!!!

Crying Santa pics

There were a few without crying babies. too! :) Merry Christmas!!!!