Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Picture Scavenger Hunt

Head on over to Emily's blog and enter her picture scavenger hunt to have a chance to win some amazing fall things! :) Even if you don't win, it's a chance to take some fun, everyday pictures! here are mine... 1. Something you need every single day (my little guy, Evan!) 3. A happy place in your house 4. Something you ate today 5. A picture of a picture 6. A favorite book 7. Something "fall-y" 8. Your favorite color (black, red, and blue) 9. Something from your childhood


Saw this article today about watching your neighbor's kids...I'm interested in hearing your thoughts! Click here

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

nap time?!

We are trying to get Evan to go to sleep without being's what happened with nap 1 of the day! He's hilarious!


Today I am going to...
  • enjoy the gorgeous fall weather
  • wear my jeans and a hoodie
  • watch Jack run around the yard
  • get some more things ready for the garage sale
  • pick up pictures at Target
  • make Chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight
  • enjoy another cup of decaf coffee
  • scrapbook
Hope you enjoy your day!

Monday, September 28, 2009

then and now

These are two of my favorite girls! Khyleigh and Morgan are the daughters of two of my cousins; Kim and Amanda. They are just growing up before our eyes and are so sweet and adorable! I can't believe they are 12 and 13. :) I still look back at our wedding day and can't believe how little they were!


Saturday we celebrated my Aunt and Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary!
Congrats Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dean!
Evan hanging out with my Uncle Johnny
The newest addition to our huge Blake!

just a little famous

On our local news channel there is a photo segment each night. I sent in this picture awhile ago and tonight it showed up! The news people said "you're never to young to be a tiger fan!" Evan looks good on the tv screen!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

4 months

Happy 4 month birthday!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Go ducks

This is for the Morrisons! Go DUCKS!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

sticking out...

This picture seriously cracks me up! Almost every single time we put Evan in his car seat, his right ear always sticks out! It is hilarious to see...even if we move his head and tuck that ear in, it always pops back out!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Going to the chapel

Sunday we had a wedding in St. Louis for our friend Kyle and his bride, Melanie. Mike went to college with Kyle, and also when Mike and I lived in St. Louis, Kyle lived with us. Mike ended up sick on Sunday morning, so I went by myself with Evan. Evan met some great friends and attended (and behaved!) at their beautiful wedding. It was so good to see friends who we hadn't seen in a long time! Evan stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Merritt while I went to the reception.
Evan with Kevin and Tami Lisa and Jake were there and we are so excited to see their new little one in less than a month!
Evan at his first wedding! :)
Frances with Evan
Dancing the night away...
Yes, there was a photo booth! It was hilarious! :)
What a great night...was sad that Mike had to miss it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's feedin' time...

Technically you aren't 4 months yet (the 27th is just around the corner), but you are 16 weeks and 1 day old, so tonight we decided to try some rice cereal. It's crazy thinking that just one year and 2 days ago, we had just found out we were 4 weeks pregnant, and now Evan is almost 4 months old! We are so blessed and love how our lives have changed over this past year.
Getting ready for the goods!
Hmmm...not sure what to think yet.
Yep...not liking the different food!
After a few more bites, he totally loved it!
Look at that smile! :)
More actually got into his mouth than I expected! Woohoo! Way to go Evan!