Wednesday, April 16, 2008


You might ask what I've been up to. I haven't really posted anything substantial in awhile. A couple of things we've been up to....
  • Getting the house ready for the Parade of Homes that is in Columbia. Mike and I have been working hard on getting our house "show" ready. We also have an open house this Sunday. We have weeded, got the grass cut, put more mulch and rock out front. We've picked up sticks, cleaned, organized, and I even baked cookies today. They were the ones already made that you just had to pop in the oven, but that counts right?! :)

  • I have been giving LOTS of make up tests for the Missouri Assessment Test for the students that have been absent. Since I have a student teacher, I thought that would be helpful to get it done quicker with all the students we had who were absent during the "real" test last week.

  • I think I'm sick....maybe it's just allergies because SPRING is finally here! Woopee!!! but I know it needs to go away quickly because my eyes are so swollen.

  • Also dealing with some school safety issues that we had yesterday...Click this link. Very scary!

  • My friend who teaches with me went out of town....actually out of the country to Cancun with her husband....I'm jealous! But I have been watching her two kiddos while they are gone. They are in 6th grade and 8th grade. This morning it was fun getting up and helping them pick out clothes to wear and get their lunches ready. I dropped them off at school this morning and I really felt like a mom! :) I am staying at their house and watching them until Sunday. I have to do all the running around, picking them up from play practice or school, so it is kind of neat for me to see what I'm in for....

  • I am definitely enjoying the 80* weather we had today....simply amazing!!! I hope your middle of the week is going well too!

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