Sunday, April 27, 2008


I feel like today was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I finally relaxed and did nothing all day long. It was amazing! We slept in till 10:30 (that never happens!) and I even took a 2 hour nap this afternoon. I feel so refreshed (except for this headache I can't get rid of) and I am so thankful that we had nothing to do today. Mike and I went to see Baby's Mama and it was hilarious. :) I can't believe that MAY is going to be here on Thursday....seriously, where did April go?! We have a busy busy month with 5 family members having a birthday (including me!) and we are going to be going to St. Louis and Indianapolis in the next 2 weekends too. So I am glad that I had today to relax! I hope your weekend was relaxing as well....

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