Saturday, September 29, 2012


Currently I am

 listening to: Jack snoring and laundry being washed

eating: just had some soup...was sent home early from work Friday with a fever. Spent all day yesterday in bed or on the couch.

drinking: water

wearing: tshirt and workout pants

feeling: a little sad...missing my 3 boys who are in Branson for the weekend. This is Mike's only weekend off until the middle of December. With his new schedule he isn't off on weekends anymore.

watching: The Notebook and the leaves fall from our tree outside

thinking:of the projects that are on my to do list to complete today and tomorrow while I have an empty house.

enjoying:  A quiet house and not feeling so sick today...

reading:Unfortunately, nothing at the moment... :( Anyone have any new recommendations?

praying: that I feel better soon and that we hear some good news on a couple of things :)

looking forward to: Evan, Alex and Mike getting home

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ten on Tuesday...

Brain is on overload so enjoy the random 10 thoughts :)

  1. Still in disbelief that October is less than a week away...and also not liking the fact that it is dark at 7pm and still dark when I get up
  2. Our weekends are booked for the next 6 weeks straight...with mostly football (not really fun since Mike has to work all of the games) but excited for sweaters and jeans :)
  3. The good news is that friends are coming in town for one of those games!!
  4. Excited for fall TV. Parenthood, Law and Order SVU, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, The Middle, Revenge, Modern Family and  Biggest Loser
  5. Need to send out birthday gifts to my niece and nephew. Can't believe they are going to be 8 and 3!
  6. Rearranged our bedroom...still hoping to paint :)
  7. ugh...potty training
  8. Have started Christmas gift planning...hoping to make most of the boys gifts this year
  9. Taking pictures for a 40th high school reunion this Thursday, Friday and Saturday  night. Should be a great time!!
  10. These two crack me up :)
                 "Hey brother"

            "Mom, Alex is crying"

             "Here Alex, here is some grass"

                            "Try it"

                           "Yum...grass is good"

                                    "Mom...look. Alex stopped crying"

                        "It's okay Alex"

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hello, Monday

Hello to visiting good friends and their daughters

Hello to rocking giraffes

Hello to brothers in plaid

Hello to fun aunts

Hello to go karts

Hello to "one more time" racing

Hello to family

Hello to not being big enough for go karts...yet

Hello to grandparents

Hello to playing
Hello to a new week!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Date 9 of 12

Our September Date was to see Bryan Adams and his Bare Bones Concert...
Mike scored free tickets through his work. It was seriously one of the best concerts!
So glad we were able to go and have Bryan Adams sing to us ;)

Past dates here...

To see more date night ideas head over to Shannon's Blog

Thursday, September 20, 2012

thursday thoughts...

  • Can't stop thinking about Meg Herndon...she is a senior soccer player at SEMO this year and also played soccer at Rockwood Summit, which was also my high school and where I played...she was riding her scooter to work and got hit by a truck 11 days ago...she has been unconscious and the brain injury is devastating and her family has to make some tough decisions today.If you could say some prayers  for Meg and her family I think they could use them...

  •  Watched Parenthood last night and couldn't stop crying...and next weeks episode already had me teary-eyed. So many cancer stories...I haven't written anything on here, but recently my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer and she is scheduling the surgery to have it removed...If you could say some prayers for her I would appreciate it. Of course, I miss my Aunt Barb..... A blog friend's mom is also going through the second round of treatment and recently had a cancerous lymph node removed. I know most of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another...

  • I can't believe there is a week and a half until October!!! We tried out our costumes last night...I think these two are pretty stinkin' cute! :) Bring on the fall!!

  • Speaking of Superhero...have you heard about this true American hero??? His story is amazing....

  • Some funnies from  Evan lately...
"Sometimes I do...Sometimes I don't..."  He says this at least once or twice a  regards to anything... :) "Mom...sometimes I like apples and sometimes I don't" "Sometimes that Superhero is nice sometimes he's not" "Mom...sometimes I like running fast and sometimes I don't"

Driving back from somewhere...Evan is saying to Alex... "What's your name, Alex?" in a silly, crazy, laughing voice and then would start cracking up and giggling because he already said Alex's name when he asked the question.

I was trying to find a new way to get somewhere and I said, "Let me turn around and go the right way..."
Evan responded, "just go faster...that's the right way"  Ugh...looks like we will have  a little speedster on our hands...

Before bed...Evan wanted "Q tickles".  What are Q tickles you ask?
They are Q-Tips and they tickle his ear :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

oh these boys...

Love these pictures...
We had such a great time and these pictures remind me how much I love my family and my boys...

Evan wanted to do the climbing wall/bounce house/slide SO bad...At first he wasn't so sure he could climb up on his own. He wanted Aunt Kelli there to help...once he figured out he could do it, he was so proud of himself :)

Alex is such a dancing fool...
We get off the tractor ride and start walking through the music or anything and he just starts jamming :)
(Back and forth, back and forth, stick your tooshy out, laugh, back and forth, etc.) so funny...

"Oh look...apples :)
All that focus on dancing and I didn't realize there are apples"

Evan was so worried at first that Alex would get lost...he ran back to get him to make sure he was "safe"

these two brothers are awesome

"You can't get me Alex!"

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello, Monday

Hello to a new week...

Hello to a disaster of a room today...they are building a wall in our ELL trailer...

Hello to talking to friends...

Hello to fall weather...

Hello to hanging out with my three boys tonight...

Hello to you :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Update...

Busy, but fun weekend...

Friday night my mom put Alex down for bed and Evan and I went over to see some friends and meet their new son! He was so sweet and Evan and their daughter had a great time playing. So good to catch up!

 Saturday we headed out to Eckerts and had such a fun morning and afternoon riding rides, picking apples, and eating a great lunch.

 Sunday was the Columbia Race for the was a beautiful morning and so glad that we got to be a part of it. We miss Aunt Barb so much...we love her and miss her and I think of her every day.
Also glad that we could be there to celebrate our friends that are in remission. Evan even got to participate in the kids fun run...