Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 28: The Future

Joy of Love: the future

I can't believe this is the last day! February flew by...
Our future pictures are all about thankful for my wonderful husband, beautiful and smart almost 2 year old and our baby boy who is due in May!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 27: What they say...

Day 27: What they say...
Joy of Love is almost over! I can't believe how fast the month flew by!

What they say...
Evan has been SO into Toy Story his favorite phrase over these last few months is Buzz and Wudy. He says it over and over again...It's adorable how he pronounces both of them and so fun watching his imagination when he's playing with them.

Great weekend...

We had another fantastic weekend! The Massena family came to visit us! We were so excited that we were able to catch up and the kiddos were able to play and (mostly) get along :) We went to Bonkers (an inside play place) on Saturday and the kids had a blast. Evan was in love with Gianna...he kept repeating Gi-Gi over and over again and always wanted to find where she was. Jack did really well with all of the new visitors too. Evan and Luca had their moments, but actually did really well playing together and sharing toys. Toy story toys were a big hit and us adults had fun playing Buzz on PS3. We also had the Powells over on Saturday night so their girls could play with Gi-Gi and they played house. It was really cute. All 6 adults and 5 kids had a great dinner...which was in shifts since our kitchen table isn't big! :)

Our Buzz characters :)



Feeling full after a dinner of salad, pasta con broccoli, chicken parmesan,and apple pie! yum!

Bath time!

 This was the best picture I could get trying to get 5 kids 5 and under to sit still!

Jack did so well with the kids.

 It was a toy story kind of morning :)


The big boys had fun playing Fifa on PS3

It was a great weekend with great friends!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 26: Bro-mance

Joy of Love: Day 26
The Bro-mance

This weekend we had the Massenas come visit. Mike and Ben went to college together and Ben and I taught sixth grade together in St. Louis after college. We also used to live in the same apartment complex seven-eight years ago. We love hanging out with them! This weekend it was fun to be able to catch up while watching our kids play together. Of course, the big boys had fun playing soccer on playstation 3. :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 25: When I love him the most...

Joy of Love: Day 25

I love this little boy all of the time...every single second of every single day...
I love him the most when he is sitting in his car seat, reading a book, thinking hard with his hand by his head, and his little foot is helping hold the book up...too cute!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 24: Where

Joy of Love: Day 24
Where did you first fall in love?

 This picture was taken 20 days after meeting each other for the first time. We went camping and to Elephant Rock and had a blast. This was our first "real" vacation...especially because we met, fell in love, got engaged and married so fast! We met July 4th 2002, got engaged on Mike's birthday, Aug. 31, 2002, and got married Dec. 28, 2002! I can't believe it was all within 6 months! I'm so happy I met and fell in love with this man.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Indy Weekend

We had the best weekend! We made the trip to Indy to see Dan, Amanda, and the girls. Dave and Sarah Beth also came up which was fun. :) It was great to be able to hang out with them at their home, since it is probably the last big trip we will make before baby boy gets here. Evan did amazing in the car and slept so well...I think his cousins did a fantastic job wearing him out throughout the day! :) It was so fun seeing all three kiddos play together. Us girls even got a night out together, which has never happened! We had fun getting coffee, browsing books, and shopping at Target! The guys had fun playing video games, making forts for the kiddos, and playing video games! :)  Picture overload coming your way!