Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love the sun!

Having so much fun and love watching Evan play on the beach and with his cousins....the connection isn't great at the house we are staying in, so more pics and updates will happen when we get back home!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

10 months

Wow!!!! I still can't believe how fast you are growing up. We love you so much Evan!! Happy 10 months!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Five

  1. Dan and Amanda are putting down their beloved golden retriever, Jackson, down tonight. He is 10 years old and they found out that he has had cancer and his quality of life is diminishing. Everyone is heartbroken...he is family and will be greatly missed. The girls are writing letters to him today...I'm glad we'll be able to see them tomorrow to give them great big hugs.
  2. Tomorrow we'll be in sunny Florida. I'm so excited to see sun, warm weather and hang out with family.
  3. Evan and I went to his first music and me class today. Music Together is excellent and I would highly recommend it! He loved it and was squealing, watching the bigger kids, and banging on the instruments. 
  4. Reading lots of books lately....just finished House Rules and I must say Jodi didn't disappoint. Great read. Next on my list, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas.
  5. Need to finish packing....Happy Friday everyone!
We'll miss you Jackson! You can now have all the socks you want in heaven....xoxo

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

Tonight we dyed Easter eggs...more for memories sake than Evan actually knowing what was going on...but at least for my first time doing it as a parent, it wasn't too bad! I only got the dye on one of my sleeves. Next year, I'll know to use newspaper to lay it under the cups or maybe even doing it outside. ;) Anyway, enjoy the pics!

He makes it all worthwhile...messy face and all... :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sliding down...

We went to the park yesterday and Evan went down his first real slide. It was pretty cute watching him since he had no idea what he was doing and just hung on to the side for dear life. :) Sorry his face is hidden...it was a tad windy and I didn't want to show his scared for his life face! The good news, is there was no crying and he did want to do it again! :) Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Egg Hunt

1st Egg Hunt...was a little easy this year. Next year, we might make it a little more difficult! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010


What a great day today! I'd give it an A+! The snow has melted, the sun was out and we had a great walk as a family of 4 once Mike got home. I love this first picture...fish lips! :) I actually think he was saying "oooooooh" to the birds outside. I love that he can actually see out the window now!

Finally great weather for a walk! Jack was SO excited!

Ready for spring and that means Cardinal baseball!!!! Doesn't he look like such a little boy and not a baby anymore?!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Relay for Life...

Saturday night was the Mizzou Relay for Life walk and I was so impressed with the great job everyone did at the Rec Center on campus. The Mizzou Police department put together a team in honor of Jen, who is in remission from breast cancer. Evan and I went over and walked in honor of Jen and my Aunt Barbara. I was overwhelmed at the love and support everyone was given. They did the survivor walk where they walk the first lap and I was teary eyed...it was amazing to see everyone who has fought or is fighting this awful disease. Almost all of my pictures are blurry since they are from my phone, but I don't care...I want to remember everyone there and the feelings and emotions I had while walking for my friends and family members. Evan and I walked two laps since it was way past his bedtime, and he did a great job walking by himself for a little bit too!

Survivor 1st lap and the rest of the crowd clapping and cheering...it was very emotional and a great moment...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dad's bday celebration

Evan and I headed to St. Louis for a quick trip to celebrate my dad's birthday. It was a great time hanging out with family...it's too bad Mike was working though. We are back in Columbia and can't believe that it is snowing! The first day of spring too...I thought we put the cold, snowy weather behind us. I am so ready for sun and warm weather. Here are way too many pictures from Thursday :) Enjoy your first day of spring!!!!

Evan's Easter basket from Grandma and Grandpa

Olive Garden for Dad's bday...yummy!

Evan loved trying Grandpa's drink! :)

This is what he looked like after leaving...he was a little tired! ha! (berry drink mustache and sweet potatoes on his face...lovely!)

Evan loved helping open gifts too!