Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treating and a party

We headed over to Grandpa Laughlin's to trick or treat...Evan is the cutest little skeleton ever! then over to Uncle Dave and Aunt Sarah's house before heading to Mike's work party... This is baby R...Evan and her were born on the same day (5.27)! :) We had a great night for Evan's first Halloween and I hope you all had a Happy Halloween too!!!

Florida Day 3

Beach day!!!! It's amazing how different vacations are with a little one, but we wouldn't change it for anything! The weather was perfect...a bit windy, but overall a perfect day! :) We headed over to Fort Lauderdale Beach and took some pics of Evan's first time at the beach... This is my absolute favorite picture....Mike got the perfect shot! Evan was holding his hat and wouldn't let go...I guess he thought it was windy too! A little drool never hurt anyone :) Touching the ocean water... Grandma and Evan So Big!!!! Footprints of our family... Evan did pretty well sleeping in the pack n play considering we were at a new place, he had a snotty, runny nose, and his schedule was off. This picture was taken while he was trying to take a nap! I looked over and saw his cute little smiling face and had to get this shot...

Happy Halloween!

Round 1 of trying to get Evan's pictures in his Tiger Halloween costume...he was not liking it! Round 2: Finally...after eating, he is one happy baby! He looks so cute in his Halloween costume!
Happy Halloween!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Florida Day 2

Day 2 was spent at the pool and hanging out with my college roomie Heather and her family. The weather was gorgeous! Evan's first toe dip into the pool! It was nice that Ikea was only about 3 exits away! We headed over after a few hours at the pool for a nice relaxing break! Love that place!!! It is absolutely breathtaking down here at sunset... We headed over to Heather's house for dinner. It was so nice to catch up and visit. Her daughter, Sage, is 4 and her son, Jaden, is 4 months older than Evan. It was nice to be able to visit with Heather and Marcus and catch up. The reason why Jaden is turned around in this picture is because Evan would. not. stop. kicking him! He thought it was so funny! After a few attempts, we kind of got a good one! ha! Evan still wanting to kick Jaden....he has his eye on him! Heather and I... We gave the kiddos a bath Group shot....thanks Mom for taking this! The weather has been absolutely perfect....I heard that its been pouring rain in Missouri while we were away....hopefully we'll be able to bring the sunshine home!

Florida Day 1

We took off early on Sunday....Mike only got a few hours of sleep from having to work the MU football game the night before. We were so excited to enjoy lots of sunshine for the next week! Evan was excited as well to go on his first plane ride! Grandma Merritt and Evan....ready to go on vacation! Evan did SO well on the flight....even after missing his naps! He was super silly and smiley and laughing at the people behind us. He did fuss for a few minutes on the take off and landing, but other than that, did great! He even nursed and took a good hour nap! I'm sure the other passengers were thankful that he didn't scream/cry the entire time....we were glad too! :) Leaving good 'ol (and cold) Missouri....don't the trees look pretty though?! And arriving in sunny 80* degree weather! Ahhh...perfect! Evan even got to sit in the cockpit after we landed. It was so tight in there! I'm glad we arrived safely though. :) Shades....check. Car seat/toys...check 1st vacation with our son...priceless!


Photobucket I'm in....join in the fun!!! Thanks Heather and Nicole for getting some great ideas!
  • Mondays: "Not Me Mondays" (blog about mis-haps embarrassments)
  • Tuesdays: "Top Ten Tuesdays"(make a top ten list for whatever you want)
  • Wednesdays: "Wednesday Works" (share something of the old "works for me" school of thought or share a project you're working on, want to work on, need help with or even share a behavior/habit you or your family is working on)
  • Thursdays: "Thoughts for Thursdays" -of course!- (blog about a topic of opinion)
  • Fridays: "Flashback Fridays" (blog about a memory or even photo from the past)
  • Saturdays: "Saturday Social" (share new or favorite websites or blogs you come across)
  • Sundays: "Sunday Survey" (random questions)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I heart faces...Halloween Dress Up

This week's theme is Halloween dress up and for Evan's 1st Halloween, we decided to put him in his first costume...the tiger. He didn't like it at first (it could have been because he was hungry too!) But, check back on the 31st to see his sweet smiling face in his tiger costume!!! Head on over to see all of the other great entries!!!"/>>

5 months

Happy 5 month birthday!!!!!
We love you!!! (pic to be added when we get back to the beach today!)

Monday, October 26, 2009

play time...then and now

Love that we can compare pictures of us and Evan when we were his age...He is a good mix and is such a cutie!!!! :) Can you believe tomorrow he will be 5 months old???