Monday, March 31, 2008

Last day of the month....

I've sure missed my boys... I can't believe April is already here too. Wow!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'm home....

Finally...after a GREAT weekend with blogger buddies, I am home....I still have lots to share about Chicago, but since I have to get up at 5 am for work, I'm off to bed! Night...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Shop til ya 3

above photo courtesy of LeeAnn
We headed out early this morning for a LONG, fun day down in Chicago on the Magnificent Mile. We took the subway/tram in and walked around for a little bit...or actually a lot. We headed into a ton of stores because it was so cold and windy. I loved legoland. :) It was awesome! We ate pizza for lunch at Gino's and headed over to the Hancock Building. We shopped some more....and walked some more.....and shopped some more....and walked some more. We finally stopped to eat dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Yummy! We made it back to the condo, looked at all the pictures from the day and played a couple of rounds of off to bed! Night...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 2

I must admit, I was a little nervous coming up to Chicago because I only knew Nicole and Heather, but I am SO glad I did. It was nice to finally meet Kim, LeeAnn, Maria, Leslie...I feel like I kind of know them after reading their blogs! :) Today we left our crappy hotel ...I mean motel (click here to see Heather's blog about that)...We met everyone at the condo, which is beautiful, left to pick up Kim at the airport, ate lunch at Al's. It was nice to talk, relax, and get to know everyone. Heather and I stayed at the condo and played Nertz while the other girls took the train/bus to a scrapbook store. Then we walked about 5 blocks to Walgreens to get a few things and then to Payless so I could get another purse and some comfy cute shoes. :) The rest of the girls met us and we ate dinner at Mickey D's. We headed back to the condo, played Loaded Questions and Imaginiff...Love those games! Now we are sitting around blogging! :) Hope the start of your weekend is going well.

Happy Anniversary!

I wanted to wish my mother-in-law and father-in-law a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Heather and I went down to the vending machine to get a snack or two...or three. ;)
Does anyone else get apprehensive or hold your breath after you hit the buttons to make sure your snack doesn't get stuck?! Each time we pressed the buttons, we both held our breath and gasped! ha! Does anyone else do that???? Aren't you afraid its going to get stuck??? or are we just the only weird ones?!

Day 1

We are finally here in Chicago....and we've had a great day. Our highlights.... 1. Seeing the sign for Chicago...yea! 2. Driving through rain, sleet, and! Added bonus though....using the Garmin pictured! 3. Seeing IKEA...yea! 4. Being shocked at EVERYTHING there is there. I want everything in this above picture for my downstairs. 5. Sitting in Ikea blogging and having nothing to worry about.....priceless

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chicago here we come....

Had a very productive day today and now I'm at the Morrison's relaxation. Went to Target to get some batteries and as I was browsing the clothing, someone said, "do you work here?" umm...nope. "well...can you tell me where the bathrooms are?". Sure. They're near the front of the store like EVERY other Target. I wonder if this woman has never been to a Target store before to not know where the bathrooms were or that the workers wear red shirts. I had on a black sweater...Interesting. Then, when I was browsing the shoe section, someone else came up to me and asked I they had this shoe in another size. Ummm...I still don't know because I still don't work at Target! ha! Other than that highlight of my day, I met Mike for lunch at Chick-Fil-A. Yummy! Also, finished cleaning/organzing/cleaning the upstairs rooms and closets. Now Mike has the task of moving those boxes..... Our Blog World Meets Real World trip to Chicago is officially on. I left Columbia around 5:30 and made it....the rain in parts was pretty bad and I even had to drive with my flashers on for awhile....Heather and I made another quick trip to Target (this time no one asked if I worked there) and now it is total relaxation sitting on the couch blogging. I am excited to go to Chicago...the last time I went I was 12 so that doesn't really count. I'm excited to meet 4 other bloggers who I don't know....I am excited to shop, eat, hang out, play games, go to Ikea and just have no responsibilities.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Still packing....

  • cleaning closets
  • throwing things away
  • taking stuff to Goodwill
  • packing books/pictures in boxes
  • dusting/cleaning
  • doing laundry for my trip to Chicago
  • hoping I can get ALOT more stuff done tonight and tomorrow during the day....

Wish me luck!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday, Monday....

Leaving Wed. night for Chicago and I've now added more to the plate of things to do....Our house is going on the market April 1st and I have to get the house show ready! How am I going to get things boxed up and the house in order in less than 3 days? me crazy! I'm off to go get boxes! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jack and Easter...

We tried to be funny and put some rabbit ears on Jack today....let's just say it didn't work too well! He sure is cute though! :)

Happy Easter!

Hoppy Easter!

Today Mike and I went over to my sister's house to celebrate Easter. My mom, dad, grandma and Brad also came up and it was fun to see everyone and hang out. Here are just a few pictures from today. :) Happy Easter everyone!
Doesn't Brad look thrilled to be taking a picture??! ha!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

Mike and I want to wish everyone  a Happy Easter!

Look at our cute nieces from Easter 2005....Wow! :) maddy mally easter 05

American Idol

In my class this year, we are again choosing who we think is going to be voted off each week. My students LOVE this! They pick who they think is getting voted off and with this, we talk about fractions and it is educational too! :) They love coming in Thursday morning to see who got it right and how many. Who do you think is the next American Idol???? Who do you want voted off??