Friday, January 26, 2007


An update on a few things...
  • Had my MRI on Thursday morning and just got the results back tonight. I have a partial tear in my miniscus...which I also had in college! Argh! Besides the little tear, I also have wear on the back of my kneecap...which I don't know what that really means. For the next couple of weeks I am going to be going to physical therapy 2x per week to see if that helps. My doctor didn't just want to jump in and do surgery since I have had 1 prior knee surgery, 4 leg surgeries and 1 back surgery....he is hopefully going to be right about the P.T. working because I already have SO many scars that it's ridiculous!

  • Mike has put in his application for MU police so hopefully that will go through. The funny thing is that when I went to get my MRI, the nurse, who is the wife of the CPD captain, said that they were just talking about Mike because they have 1 immediate opening and will have a couple more in April or so. I told her that I would definetely tell Mike about the forward to after my MRI, I am home and talking to Mike about what she said. FF....15 minutes later, the captain called from CPD telling him about the openings and that they were thinking of him applying. So, now Mike has 2 applications with great possibilities....I guess that really does show that God works in mysterious ways. This is about the same predicament we were in right after Mike finished the police academy, 6 months ago, because both MU and CPD were interested in him and he didn't know how he was going to decide. Hopefully things will work out and the decision for Mike will be an easy one!

  • Tomorrow we are going to the MU/Texas Tech basketball game....I really just want to go to see Bobby that wrong that I don't even want to watch the game?! For those of you who haven't heard of B. Knight, he was a coach at Indiana (and other schools) and is well known for his temper and outbursts! I LOVE that kind of stuff. It makes it fun to watch the games!

  • We have been teaching Jack how to play catch and it is hilarious watching him leap straight up in the air to try and catch the ball out of the air before it drops. I will try to get some pics because I think it is the funniest thing!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's been awhile...

Sorry it has been awhile since we last posted, so bear with me and my random thoughts! We have had a busy week and I still feel like I can't get caught up. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night, Mike and I took a Financial Peace Crash Course (David Ramsey) offered by our church and it was amazing! We learned so much and can not wait to start getting out of debt. If you have not heard of David Ramsey, check out his website, On another good note, Mike was contacted today about a police officer opening here in town and has applied for will take a couple of months to go through the whole process, so hopefully by then he will be a little bit stronger in his shoulder. God is so good! We have been teaching Jack how to play catch and throwing the ball to him so he can jump up and catch it in his mouth. It is so cute to watch him! He LOVES it and gets so excited and almost always tries to jump up immediately, but his timing is improving. I have an MRI tomorrow on my knee to see if I tore my miniscus. I have had pain the past few weeks and can not remember what I did to it. So, I scheduled an appointment for yesterday, and yesterday morning as I was leaving, I stepped on the front porch and completely bit it! I fell and guessed it. On my right knee. So I went to see my doctor yesterday and he was concerned because he could tell something wasn't right (and he was worried because I had a partial tear in the same knee during college from playing soccer) he wanted to schedule and MRI to be sure. I will keep you all updated on if it is or isn't..... Have a great night and happy birthday (Jan. 23rd) to Katie M. :)

6 more inches...

of snow! It started snowing last night while we were eating dinner with Mike's parents at El Maguey. Then we went to the 6:30 church service and by the time we left there at 7:30, the roads were already covered. We almost ran into the back of someone and almost slid off the road because there is still all that ice under this new snow. Scary! I was so glad when we finally got home. I was supposed to go to St. Louis Sat. night and go to my cousin's house who was having a creative memories get together, but she called and was worried about the weather....and at that point, I was still sick but the weather was fine then... I am glad I did not go because I would have been stuck in St. Louis. Yesterday I received my Ipod Video from using my Arbonne's so nice when things are free! :) and I was basically downloading songs to it all day. I love it! I still feel under the weather, so having this snow is a good excuse to cuddle with my hubby and watch some movies! Have a great Sunday! Also...Happy Birthday to Rob'n! I miss ya!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday Morning Ramblings

It's official....I am under the weather and sick! You would think I would get sick over the snow days so when I got back to school I would be healthy and wouldn't get my 4th graders sick...but no. I started feeling crummy Wed. night and yesterday my nose was like a faucet that was broke. My students have never seen me sick...they think I am superwoman! ha! Anyway, today is Friday and I am exhausted and stuffed up and don't feel good at all. :( Mike was so good to me last night. He made me soup, brought me water to stay hydrated, and let me watch the Oprah I taped. It was about Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby, the two Missouri boys that were taken. Shawn was taken 4 years ago...can you imagine...your 11 year old has been missing for 4 years and you miracleously get him back at 15? I couldn't imagine that....but I am so thankful he is home with his family. They found him in an apartment that is 10 minutes away from my parents house....and about 10 minutes from where Mike and I used to live in St. Louis. Crazy!? We watched that last night and I was a mess....I could not stop crying. When Shawn mouthed the words Thank you, to the police officers that rescued him, I lost it. I am so thankful that they are both home. We also watched Scrubs and The Office last night...they are hilarious! If you haven't watched them, you need to start. They will cheer you up any day! Have a great Friday!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another Snow/Ice Day...

Well, there is no school for Wed. already! I can't believe this....I don't want to go to school in June! Agh! They can not get the parking lots, sidewalks, and back roads clear, so we don't have school again. But hopefully they can get them cleared and we will be a 2 day week and we can go on Thursday and Friday. We'll see though. Gotta go...American Idol is on! Woo-hoo! Have a great night!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice Storm

Round 2 of the ice storm... We were given a 1/2 day on Friday because of the ice coming down and they have already cancelled school for tomorrow because the sidewalks and parking lots are a sheet of ice all around Columbia. Matt and Ashley brought Jack back to us this morning and he has been sleeping most of the morning...he is so tired from all the playing and fun that him and Snaps had over the weekend! He tried to go outside and play with his little soccer ball even though it was frozen in the ice, but he continued to paw at it until it came out! What a funny dog!

Yes, that little hole in the ground is where the ball was and it is ALL ice! Our stairs are just a sheet of ice and it is so hard for us and Jack to get up them!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Belated Bday Boeker!

Boeks, We hope you had a great birthday on Saturday! Miss ya!

We're Back!

Whew! We are finally home... These past 3 days have felt a LOT longer because of the nasty weather we've been having. We were originally supposed to leave on Sat. morning to go up to Iowa, but Mother Nature decided to send us some snow, sleet, ice, and we decided to change our plans a little and leave Friday to try and beat the worst of it. What should have been an hour and a half car ride took about 3.5 hours. We stopped right at the Missouri/Iowa border for the night. The road conditions were not very good and I was a little freaked out. I don't like driving at night to begin with so I was glad when we finally stopped. We woke up Sat. morning and drove the rest of the way. We stopped at Lynne's parents house and got to see the grandparents and aunts and uncles while Mallory took a nap. We were able to talk and visit for an hour or so. We are all glad Grandma Harmon is doing better! We left to drive to Des Moines to see Grandma Laughlin for her birthday. We arrived there and unpacked and visited with everyone (also watching the Colts win!). Madison was so excited to see Jade again and it was so good to see everyone there as well. We left Sunday morning to head back. We were supposed to go see some other cousins but we felt that the weather would be worse, so we all took off around 11 am or so. Dan, Amanda, and the girls drove back to Indy, they hit some bad weather for about 3 hours, but were able to beat out the storm and are going to stay the night tonight. Hopefully they will be able to get some rest and the girls will sleep! We didn't hit too bad of weather coming back. It was MUCH nicer during during the daytime. I wasn't as stressed! We got back to Lynne and Harold's house where we (I mean, where Mike, Dave, and Harold) had to scrape the ice off our car. Since they live off of a gravel road, which was a sheet of ice, we had to take about 4 tries to get up a hill to get out. We were going to go by and pick up Jack, but our car couldn't get up the hill, so Matt and Ashley are going to either try to bring him by tonight or in the morning. They said he had so much fun with Snaps, their dog, and they took both dogs sledding this morning and taught Jack to pull a sled! I bet he had a TON of fun! The ice/rain is still coming down tonight so I am glad we don't have school tomorrow b/c of MLK Jr. Day because the roads are still pretty bad! It feels weird not having Jack around and being home....but Mike and I are going to enjoy it! 24 returns tonight with a 2 hour premiere, we have hot chocolate and the football game is on right now! So...have a great night and enjoy some of the pics!
Here are some winter pics of the ice when we got back Sunday afternoon. :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy 25th Birthday Dave!

Happy Bday David! We celebrated his quarter of a century bday at his parents house. We had a great dinner and cake and ice cream too! It was delicious! Here are some pictures from tonight.
Other random thoughts....
  • I can't believe we are already 10 days into the new year! Time sure does fly! I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. Also, I know some of you read this blog and don't feel comfortable leaving a comment (which is okay!), but there is a email option next to the comments if you want to email me directly. All you have to do to leave a comment or send me an email is click on which one you'd like to do. I do know I have a few people reading this (Other then my mom!) and I always like hearing what others have to say! :)
  • Mike's therapy is getting better for his shoulder from the car accident this past summer. He is almost 100% which is good! We are still working with their insurance to make sure everything is going to be covered, which is should since it was his fault for running the red light! He is working hard on his exercises that he is supposed to do and can almost raise his arm straight up in the air over his head! whoo-hoo! ;)

  • We are getting ready to leave for Iowa this weekend for Grandma Laughlin's 89th birthday celebration and to see Grandma and Grandpa Harmon and the rest of the gang. Dan, Amanda and the girls are coming in from Indy so it will be fun to see them again! We are going to leave Jack with a friend and we are a little nervous about it because Jack has pinkeye in both eyes. Who knows how he got it...I feel so bad for the big guy. His eyes look so droopy and they are watery. We have to give him medicine and allergy pills because he also has a little cold! I hope he starts feeling better soon! I love how our vet comes over to the house. It makes things SO much easier and he is so good with Jack! I'm off to bed...have a great night!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Happy Monday

Well...we finally took down all of our Christmas decorations to put them away for the year. It was a little bit sad because now our house looks so bare and I love Christmas time. I hate the winter, but love Christmas! Here are a few pics....Jack was watching us intently as we took things down, but he did manage to find one small ornament. Luckily, we found it before he ate it! At least it was a candy cane ornament! ;)
Today was another busy Monday. Here's my list from today...
* Had an IEP meeting for one of my autistic kiddos
* Had to order flowers for a fellow co-worker who was in the hospital all weekend
(I'm the head of the social committee)
* Had to make send invitations for a farewell/thank you party for another co-worker who is
switching jobs. (our dare officer was hired on for a detective job with internet crimes)
* Started midmester reports
* Get our writing assessment ready for tomorrow
* Sub plans for Wed. morning because I have to attend a math leadership meeting
* Copy Running records to complete this week
* Taught my students how to make line plots!
* Planned with my other two teachers about our field trip to the capital at the end of the year
* Played detective about a missing/stolen pen
Oh the way, I did teach today, eat a little lunch, checked in Friday Folders and planners, gave our multiplication test, taught a reading book club group, graded writing journals, passed out snack, taught social studies, called a parent, turned in our testing information for NAEP, went to Lemstone to buy a gift, met up with my in-laws and brother-in-law for dinner, put away Christmas decorations, made a few Arbonne phone calls, checked email, talked to my husband.....hmmm...I think that MIGHT be it. There are just too many things throughout the day! Ha! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Happy Sunday!

We just wanted to wish Pancho and Emma all the happiness in the world. Their wedding last night was beautiful and it was nice to see a LOT of our friends. We had time to catch up with people who we hadn't seen in a long time and reconnect. It was so cute to see all the little new additions to our friends' families...Ben Robertson and Gianna cute! We had a lot of fun last night and can't wait to see everyone again soon! Enjoy some of the pics!

Friday, January 5, 2007

We Are....Marshall

Mike and I met at the movie theater here in town right after school for our date night. We saw the "We Are Marshall" and this is a GREAT movie! Bring some tissue... For those who don't know about this movie, it is about Marshall Univ. and their football team that died in a plane crash coming back from a game in 1970. It is so moving and inspiring...
Who is your inspiration? Have you ever been inspired by your favorite athlete or pro. sports team, a community leader, a teacher, a friend, a family member, your child? The individuals who touch us have the power to heal us, motivate us, change our lives forever.
It makes you thankful for each and every day that we are given. It makes you want to hug your loved ones a little longer, say I love you more often, and cherish the time when you are together. We are only here for a short time, so make every day meaningful and valuable....

Thursday, January 4, 2007

One of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing was really wrong, but you didn't feel like your usual self? Today was one of those for me....I was trying to think back to maybe what could have happened today to put me in this weird mood, but I couldn't put my finger on it. My students were pretty good today, Mike cooked dinner and did the laundry, tomorrow is Friday and we are going to see a bunch of friends this weekend at Pancho and Emma's wedding...but something just seemed off. Maybe it's the weather. Today was a dreary, rainy day. Hmmm... Even though watching Scrubs and The Office helped me feel a little bit better, I still feel not like my usual cheery, fun self. Hopefully tomorrow I will be my bright, sunshiny self! ha! I am thankful today that I got to walk with my friend Kayla after school I am 4-4 for working out! whoo-hoo! I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday and we get to go to St. Louis for a wedding. I love weddings! I can't wait to see old friends whom we haven't seen in a really long time (mostly friends from Mike's college days....but they are my friends now too!). On another side note, Freedom Writers, is an AWESOME book! I started it last night and did not want to put it down. The movie starring Dr. McDreamy and Hilary Swank opens tomorrow. I can't wait to finish the book and then see the movie! :)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


This is what I feel like doing right now.... I am so tired. I forget how tiring the first day back to school is after a long break. The kiddos today were Perfect! They were tired, I was tired, and my poor feet are tired too! This is what I feel like doing...

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Last Day...

Well, today is the last day of winter break...I can't believe how fast the time went by. Mike and I spent time today with each other, which was a nice change considering most of our break was with friends and family....not that there was anything wrong with that, but sometimes you just want to cuddle up with your hubby! We spent today sleeping in (almost till 10!) and then I went shopping to use my gift cards (I got a book at B&N: Freedom Writers, which Erin recommended and a new pair of running/walking shoes at Lady Foot Locker to start my exercise! Yeah!). I NEED to get back into shape, and so far I am 2-2! Yesterday and today I walked about 30 minutes and did weights! I am pumped up! Hopefully by the end of the school year I will be where I want to be body-wise. Here is a picture of Mike with my new shoes! :)Anyway, Mike went to physical therapy this morning for his shoulder and then we lounged around today, cooked dinner and took time for us. It was FUN to not really do anything and RELAX!!!! I am glad we have a short school week this first week back. The kids are going to be tired and it will take them (and me) and couple of days to really get back into the swing of things! This weekend we have our friends, Pancho and Emma, wedding in St. Louis. We are so happy for both of them! Today I am thankful for my husband who did the laundry and cleaned the floors so I did not have to. I really got to enjoy my last day before school starts!!!! ;) Good Night!

Monday, January 1, 2007

2006 in Review...

2006 In Review I found this exciting year in review from Kristi Mangan, through Nicole's blog. Enjoy!
  • JANUARY 1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?: Yes, it was to focus on family and take time to relax 2. Who kissed you at midnight?: Mike of course! 3. Did it snow where you live?: I don't believe it did 4. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?: No - but maybe one day!!! Highlights: Dave, Krista, Boeker, and Rob'n's Birthday

  • FEBRUARY 1. Who was your valentine?: again - Mike, of course! 2. What did your valentine get you?: flowers, our new puppy, Jack, and a card 3. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?: Yes - I still do as a teacher! Highlights: Harold, Mandi, Effie, Heather, and Erin's Birthday!

  • MARCH 1. Are you Irish? I don't really know...isn't that sad? I have a little bit of everything I guess! 2. Did you wear green on St. Patty's Day?: Yes I did - I didn't want to get pinched! 3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day?: We went over to a friend's house and then went to St. Louis for my dad's birthday Highlights: Grandma Fergy, Tracy and Dad's birthday, Wendee and Matt's Wedding, Arbonne's Test Drive a Mercedes Day, and Lynne and Harold's Anniversary

  • APRIL 1. Do you like the rain?: as long as I am not driving in it! 2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year?: Nope... 3. Did you get tons of candy on Easter?: Not a ton, but we did get some goodies! Highlights: Nick, Jorgy, and Annie's Birthday and Arbonne's National Training Conference in St. Louis

  • MAY 1. What's your favorite kind of flower?: daisies 2. Do you like the spring? yes! 3. Finish the phrase: "April showers bring...": well, usually it is May flowers, but this year the showers brought a lot of baths for our dog Jack. ;) 4. What would you think of as a spring color?: llight green and pink Highlights: Mom, Brad, Jamie, Frannie, Tracie, Jacki, Dan, and my birthday and Cortney and Matt's 1st Anniversary, and Don and Katie's 2nd Anniversary

  • JUNE 1. What year did you graduate from school?: 1997 - high school, 2002 - college 2. Mike's accident June 23rd...thankful that he was alright and didn't get hurt too bad... Highlights: Krista and Brian's Wedding, Wendee and Jamee's Birthday, Jamie and Andy's Wedding, Christy and Brandon's 1st anniversary, and Ben and Olivia's 4th Anniversary

  • JULY 1. What did you do on the 4th of July? We went up to Michigan to visit friends that weekend, and then on the 4th we just hung out at home 2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?: The weekend of the 4th to visit the Morrisons and Huffs, July 7-10th, I went to Miami for a college soccer girls reunion, and with my sister and parents we went to Colorado July 15-20th. Highlights: Mandy and Rocky's Wedding, Grandma Merritt, Julie, Jen and Christy's Birthday, Steve and Holly's 2nd Anniversary, Martine and Pete's 2nd Anniversary, Liz and Tom's 1st Anniversary, Heather and Marcus's 3rd Anniversary, and Mike and Erin's 2nd Anniversary

  • AUGUST 1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer?: Had my sister's wedding shower, Mike graduated from the police academy, and we had Mike's 30th birthday party at our house. 2: What was your favorite summer memory of '06?: being able to see a lot of friends and family 3. Did you go swimming a lot in the summer?: no... 4. Did you go to the beach a lot?: Just in Miami.... Highlights: Kelli, Malone, Laura, Anthony, Ryan, and Mike's Birthday, School started (teaching 4th grade), and Dan and Amanda's 8th Anniversary

  • SEPTEMBER 1. Did you attend school/college in '06?: I taught 3rd grade summer school 2. Who is/was your favorite teacher?: oooh, that's hard - I think it was my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Bierman 3. Did you like fall better than summer?: That's a tough call...they are both my favorites! Highlights: Kelli and Kris's wedding, Madalyn's 1st birthday, Rachel and Jeff's Wedding, and Christy and Amanda's birthday

  • OCTOBER 1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever?: when I was a kid, I always wanted to be Punky Brewster! I loved her! 2. What's your favorite candy?: Reese Peanut Butter Cups! 3. What did you dress up like this year? Mike and I went as hippies ;) Highlights: Kim and Jeff's Wedding, Mallory's 2nd Birthday, and Jordyn and Sage's 1st birthday, Cathy, Sticky, and Leslie's Birthday.

  • NOVEMBER 1. Whose house did you go to for Thanksgiving?: my parent's house 2. Do you like stuffing?: It's not my favorite thing in the world, but I like it. 3. What are you thankful for?: my family, friends, and the many blessings in my life! Highlights: Madison's 5th birthday, my Parent's 28th Anniversary and Faith and Lynne's birthday

  • DECEMBER 1. Do you celebrate Christmas?: yes - love Christmas! 2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?: yes, by my husband 3. What do you want this year for Christmas?: to be with the ones I love and a new camera! ;) 4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas?: there are so many....I can't decide! 5 Do you like cold weather?: NO!!!!! 6. How would you rate your year on a scale of 1-10?: 8 - overall a good year, but I'm really looking forward to 2007!!!!! Highlights: Don, Heather, Olivia, Ben, and Martine's Birthday, Barrett and Brian's 2nd anniversary, and our 4th anniversary!

Happy 2007!

We want to wish everyone a great 2007! I can't believe how fast 2006 went by! Thanks Cortney and Matt for hosting last night's New Years Party. Heather and Ryan, we hope your dinner party goes well tonight. Sorry we have to miss this tradition, but maybe next year! We hope this new year brings you time to spend with great friends, great health, your loved ones around you, and that all your wishes come true. Also, Happy 28th Birthday Krista!